On My Way To Work...I Stop By The Fishing Hole






Challenge, Do You Dare?
Thursday, Mar. 11, 2004, 9:09 P.M.

As I look down at my watch and observe the time. I relize that my life is not ticking quite as fast as the world around me. It seems to be going slower, not by some small number like a second or even a minute, but instead my hundreads of minutes, hundreads of hours, days, months, and years. I seem to be so far behind in the times, that the world is passing me by and I can not seem to upgrade from the 6th grade. I can not seem to out grow the little giggles and the happy smiles, the silly days bouncing around, and makeing odd outburts. The time that I noticed this the most is, I finaly finshed my skit for fashion, went running around the stupid school looking for good old Cora, and finaly found her out side. Now most people would camly walk towards her, but NO! Naomi has to go pouncing up to her! Jumping up and down, Oh My God, talk about most embarsing moments. And for the rest of the frigin day, I was like WOO WOO. And then when I returned home, I realized that not only was my day like this, but everyday is like this. Every day I seem to have this obnoxius amout of energy that just seems to bypass my mind thought proces, and over power my vary being. Any explaination....none available at this time.

Enough of that maybe time for something different.....

She is not cutting her body today, or even her soul, she is not starving her self, she is not challenging her parents, or siblings, she is not conflickting pain against her self, not agains her body any way. She is challening her mind tonight, she is conflicting pain mentaly. They say it is the lest noticable and yet the most painfull. The one that causes the most amount of damage, and lest to be able to fix. She is now able to challeng the things she would never do before. She wants to see the turn out, the out come, the wonderfull being she will become after this.


So if life is a challenge, what is this......

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