On My Way To Work...I Stop By The Fishing Hole






~Mixed Feelings....~
Thursday, Feb. 12, 2004, 9:57 P.M.

~Some refer to them selves as their refuge, I refer to you. I know your there, and want to be. I know I can rely on you for more than an object of pain, or an abject at all. Instead I can look at you as a friend. A spirit that will guide me threw what ever, help me with the tough and be my hearer of prayer. You would give your immortal soul for me, and your only son. You will love me to the end, no matter what. I could betray you, I could lie to you, I could even disobey you, but you unlike everyone else will forgive me, you will love me, you will never threaten me. I am not afraid to be committed to you, I am not afraid to love you. I am willing to do anything for you, as you did for us. Because you are God, Jehovah, The Alright, The Creature of all. The God of everything.~ And Now As A Friend Would Say "Now For something Completely Different" So today was great. It was something different, something I have never done. It was something so unexplainable that most would not understand. I learned more today than I can learn in school, work, the king dome hall. What I learned is unexplainable...so lets leave it at that shall we. Lets Move On Shall We? I realize that your are beautiful. Not only in your appearance, but also your state of mind. You were able to converse thoughts without hesitation. You were able to give me feedback, feelings, thoughts..... ~A Threatening Thought~ Suicide. Love. Commitment. Lust. Envy. Destroyer. Creator. Abolishment. Lover (also see Love.)Maker. Feeler. Exit. If we were to use those words were would we use them? Where would we apply them? How would we think of them? Would our optimistic feelings toward them change? Or, are we the ones changing? Are we the ones applying them correct content? Do we really feel these words? Or, do we just think we do? And if we do use these words, Why? What do they mean to you? They all mean the something to me. They all fall under the same category, I can say it in one word...Relationships! ~Do you ever?~ Do you ever think of your self as something, desired, wanted, thought highly of, loved, cared for, ect.? I do! And I have an answer to it all. I feel I am. Although it is in the eye of the beholder.

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